Web Presence

Web Presence and Identity

Presence Matrix: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sm-o3PCAMk7H0K4Vq_demwMW7KoEfRfTypNSa3DgL6M/edit?usp=sharing

Going Viral with your Scholarship http://cplong.org/2016/05/going-viral-with-your-scholarship/

Examples of Academic Web Presence

Domain of your own

Academic Networks

  • Humanities Commons: https://hcommons.org/
  • Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net
  • ORCID 
  • https://orcid.org/
    • System for assigning an ID number to you as a researcher
    • Orcid is non-profit and funded by universities and research institutions
    • On your Orcid profile page, you can link back to your website
    • You can also link to your Orcid page from your website
    • (this linking activity helps make sure your work is more visible and will also help with improving Google search results)
  • https://scholar.google.com/– Google Scholar Profile
    • If you create a profile in google scholar, you can make yourself more visible to people who may come across something you’ve written while they are doing their research in Google Scholar.
    • You can see that I (Kristen) have a profile because when I am listed as an author, my name is underlined. That’s a link to my profile page, where people can link back to my website, and see confirmation of where I work, etc.
  • As with Orcid, you can link to your website from your profile page and you can link to your profile page from your website. 
    • While part of the for-profit Google system, the discoverability of you as a scholar through this system is worth it.
  • Academia.edu, ResearchGate, Mendeley
    • These places are venture capital funded or, in Mendeley’s case, owned by Elsevier. You decide where you want to have a place online, and you should be where the conversations are happening in your field. So be in these spaces if it’s useful to you, but know what they are doing with your data, etc.
    • One middle ground strategy is to have an account and a profile page but to upload your work to a subject repository (Humanities Commons, hcommons.org, Arxiv, etc) that’s not-for-profit or directly to your website, and then link to it in your Academia etc page.
  • IFTTT (If this, then that) – https://ifttt.com/discover
    • This is a platform that will connect various services you have without having to code anything.
    • Talking about IFTTT opens lots of conversations about workflow in general. Here were a few platforms/tools to think about your academic presence:
      • Evernote(partly like Onenote, partly like Pocket)
      • Pocket(for saving articles from the web)
      • Onenote(part of Microsoft suite, available through 365)
      • Rocketbook(reusable notebook that links to online storage)
      • Zotero(for citation management and collaborative link building)
    • The reason for talking about workflow in digital presence? We don’t want this to be just more work for you. Bringing things together holistically is the aim.

Build a Site and Social Media


Kristen Mapes’ Slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HpjEhDLEsIgIyr9lr68II0agop7rXQ55ilJNVqxoegM/edit#slide=id.p