
Digital Projects (PI, Co-PI, and/or oversaw digital development)

Enslaved: People of the Historic Slave Trade ( A linked Open Data platform for the study and exploration of the historic slave trade (2017-).
What America Ate ( Preservation of the culinary history of the United States during the Great Depression (2016-).
MSU Vietnam Group Archive ( roughly 80,000 pages of digitized documents, maps, and images, dating from 1955-1962, when Michigan State University led a range of US-funded technical assistance programs in South Vietnam for the purpose of producing a stable non-Communist ally in Southeast Asia (2015-).
Oral History in the Digital Age ( (OHDA) project serves as a central resource for individuals or organizations looking to do oral history work in the age of digital tools and technologies (2012-).
African Oral Narrative ( Free, open access digital library containing 6 collections of oral and life histories, folklore, and songs from Ethiopia, Ghana, and South Africa (2012-).
Slave Biographies: The Atlantic Database Network ( An open access data repository of information on the identities of enslaved people in the Atlantic World that was a springboard for the Enslaved project (2011-).
American Black Journal ( originally entitled Colored Peoples’ Time, was a regular television show aired on Detroit Public Television beginning in 1968 is digitaized, segmented, and enhanced for classroom use (2008-).
South Africa: Overcoming Apartheid Building Democracy ( presents first-hand accounts of this important political movement, including interviews with South African activists, raw video footage documenting mass resistance and police repression, historical documents, rare photographs, and original narratives tell this remarkable story (2008-).
Flint Sit-Down Strike ( Site seeks to capture the spirit of that time through rare audio recordings and interviews with members of the strike. The site seeks to be an educational resource that introduces students and citizens to the events of the strike and encourages more critical reflection and understanding (2006-).
American Voices ( collection of late 19th and 20th century recordings, images and text that span the vista of American politics and culture (2006-).
Spoken Word: New Resources to Transform Teaching and Learning 
( A project for learning and teaching through integrating the rich media resources of digital audio repositories into undergraduate courses in history, political science and cognate disciplines in the U.S. and Britain (2004-).
Educonsult: [Re]envisioning the Classroom in the Digital Age ( educonsult/index.php): Provide lists of resources, examples of technology-enhanced teaching, and institution-level best practices for how faculty members can take full advantage of newer technologies in their teaching, learning, and scholarship (2004-achived online 2014).
Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa ( At the time, innovative way to link partners and resources around the globe with low band-width site for Washington DC Think Tank. (2004-2009).
Celebrity Lecture Series ( commemorative online archive, of the Celebrity Lecture Series was established at Michigan State University by the College of Arts and Letters under the leadership of Dean John W. Eadie and the Dean’s Community Council in 1988 (2003-).
Explore PA History ( Stories of Pennsylavania’s past & present tied to historical markers throughout the state; text, images, maps, documents, video, and more (2003-).
The Quilt Index ( World’s leading digital repository for quilt and quilt ephemera research and scholarship (2003- ).
African Online Digitla Library ( Provides free universal access to cultural heritage materials from and about African countries and communities (2002-).
Studs Terkel: Conversation with America ( ): A collection of interviews conducted by Studs Terkel for his books and for his radio program, this gallery showcases the remarkable depth and diversity of Studs Terkel’s talents and provides an excellent model for those interested in the methodology underlying oral history (2002-Archived online 2016).
Resistance to Rights ( working with Michigan Historical Center and secondary teachers to develop innovative new materials for the classroom. This project seeks to link the resources of the Michigan Historical Center and American Black Journal television 
programming to illuminate the connections between the anti-slavery movement of the Underground Railroad and the continuing history of civil rights struggle in Michigan (2005-2007).
Michigan Writers (  Michigan Writers Network is an online interactive community where all Michigan writers can share ideas, discuss their craft, and learn about the interests and current work of fellow authors (2002-2009).
Historical Voices ( develop both a rich set of exhibits and educational curricula that fully incorporate sound files (2001-).
Earliest Voices ( Multimedia site presenting some of the most significant voices captured during the first fifty years of sound recording, 1877-1927 (2002-).
Michigan Barn and Farmstead Survey ( provides Michigan communities with an opportunity to engage in the preservation process and learn about architectural survey methods in an enjoyable community-service experience (2009-).
The Internet and Women’s Democratic Organizing ( Sponsored by MSU and USAID, project to assist women activists from Ghana, Nigeria, Mali and Senegal to use the internet for activism.  (2000-2001).
Civics Online: [Re]Envisioning the Democratic Community ( online project providing a rich array of primary sources, professional development tools, and interactive activities to help in the teaching of civics (2000-).
Oral History Turorial ( contains detailed, technical best practices for doing oral history work in the digital age (2002).
Research Station ( An extensive internet Research platform funded by MSU and 3 Community Colleges — Delta, Kirtland, and Mott  (1998-2007).

Digital Applications

KORA (Project Builder)  ( Digital repository or ingesting, managing, and delivering multimedia objects and complex objects (2002-).
Public Philosophy Journal ( Publishing platform that includes user profiles, a topic agregator, formative review system, and front end publishing (2014-).
Community Connex ( Social networking tool that allows users to gather, discuss, and publish resources that are important to communities and groups (2007-2013).
MediaMatrix ( A server-side application that gives users the ability to locate, segment, annotate, and store online, streaming media, Patent Pending (2002-2012).